Untangle Legacy
Quantum leap into business efficiency with native-cloud and Blockchain
Unchain Intelligence
Augment decision making with data science / AI
Uncover Efficiency
Unify risk, trading, and PM across all asset classes
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Unified Portfolio Management

Single point platform for trading and portfolio management across all asset classes and functions.

Native-Cloud and Blockchain

Cutting edge platform with high availability, elasticity, and modern UI/UX design. Modular and interactive, built natively in the cloud.

Big & Fast Data
and AI

In memory pivot and analysis for vast data files. Advanced machine learning tools for analysis and optimization.


Data science and technology have reached a singularity point, transforming dimensions of human organization. Our mission is to fuel this revolution.


We have built a Unified Portfolio & Risk Management System, consistent across all asset classes, products, and functions. We leverage the latest models in AI and deep learning to optimize the investment process and provide an edge to our clients.


We combine our deep expertise in markets with a strong foundation in mathematics and innovative technologies, to create cloud-native, Blockchain-ready, AI-augmented software systems.

Advanced Multi-Asset Analytics

Complete Asset Class coverage: Corporate Loans & Bonds, Treasuries, Swaps, Credit Derivatives, Equities, Mortgages, Munis, CMBS, Private Deals, LPs and Cash Flow Based Securities
Unified and consistent models across data, functions, and products
Modular, configurable, and transparent pricing and risk models

Portfolio Management

Construct: Portfolio within defined goals and constraints (with AI)

Calculate: risk factors & metrics across risk dimensions

Aggregate: exposure and sensitivities, pivot and drill-down (with Big and Fast Data)

Analyze: Portfolio risk against scenarios and benchmarks

Optimize: Portfolio risk adjusted objectives & constraints – rebalance to benchmark

Real-time Trading & Risk

What happened:  Aggregated Risk & PnL dashboards and reports

Why it happened: Multi dimensional & granular Portfolio and Transaction Analysis.

What is happening: Real-time, end-to-end market analysis and calculations

What if this happens: User defined market, time, and trade based scenarios.

Do this when it happens: Balance, hedge and optimize portfolio relative to expectations & scenarios

What will happen: Forecast market exposure using augmented intelligence.

Performance & Attribution

Attribution of Returns, Risk metrics, VaR, Scenarios, Stress
Benchmarking analysis and tracking error Factor risk attribution ETF / Index decomposition and analysis Asset-liability (cash flow) management AI based factor and benchmark measures

Collateral & Capital Optimization

Transaction Cost Analysis & KVA
Collateral Management on total ownership cost basis
Dynamic Limit management 
Pre-trade compliance
Capital allocation and efficiency analysis


Using the latest tools and techniques for a multi tenant high available elastic and performant platform

  • Micro Service based with total decoupling and seamless continuous upgrades
  • Ontology driven Schema that supports multiple versions with bi temporality built in
  • Multi data center 99.9999 uptime
  • Modern UX driven HTML5 dashboards accessible as web or desktop applications on any OS and device

Big & Fast Data​​

there is no more segregation between your transactional data and your analytical data. They all can be access for reporting and business intelligence seemlessly

  • Multi Peta bytes and Multi Data Center DB
  • Real Time millisecond based Complex Custom Aggregation
  • Access from Hadoop & Spark APIs with complete entitlement
  • Notebook style access for free form computations and scenarios


Matrics sees blockchain as means to implement distributed workflows and to orchestrate exchange between participants to networks with complete transparency, traceability and without operational risk.

  • Services are built to interact as Smart Oracles to operate on any blockchain network
  • Workflows are implemented using a high level construct to map to any Smart Contract language
  • Matrics is a development Partner to the main consortiums: R3, Ethereum Enterprise Alliance and CLS.
  • Matrics is working with a major consortium in a production based blockchain implementation in Europe

AI & Machine Learning

those algorithms are key to sift through all data and unveil otherwise hidden patterns and provide ahead of time recommendations

  • consumer / mortgage loan default
  • rich / cheap analysis
  • trading portfolio compression
  • portfolio rebalancing and optimisation

Team augmentation in collaboration collaboration with:

External Partners​